The largest privacy and data protection joint venture in Brazil.
Thousands of professionals and companies with expertise in the various areas required by privacy and data protection projects, dynamically and impartially allocated, with the aim of offering custom-tailored services and solutions for your company.    


Data protection is a multidisciplinary matter.


The market is currently experiencing a silent war for the "ownership" of LGPD (Brazil's General Data Protection Law). Legal professionals claim ownership due to legal issues, IT professionals demand it for data management, and security professionals emphasize aspects related to protection. However, the truth is that none of them can individually conduct a project completely.


As a result, the market has organized around commercial partnerships, where different companies work together to offer a complete solution.

This forces the contracting company to accept the combined resources of a particular offer. In other words, when hiring, for example, the desired law firm, they are obliged to accept the IT and Information Security company with whom they partnered. And vice versa.

While it works in some cases, this is certainly not the best available hiring method. The services of a particular partner may not have the same quality as the initially contracted company, and in case of problems, the classic game of passing the buck may occur.

Wouldn't it be great if it were possible to obtain in a single offer the best resources, respecting your company's business model, investment capacity, pre-existing solutions, and even your geographical location? Well, that's the concept behind CYBER D.P.O. (Data Protection Offers).

The CYBER D.P.O. offers thousands of professionals and dozens of companies, distributed throughout the national territory, where the best resources available will be allocated on a case-by-case basis, according to the needs and profile of your company.

This means that your company, for example, could have access to a renowned law firm for legal support, while using a local information technology company to provide the technological foundation, at the same time contracting a request management platform developed by a third-party company. All of this supervised and reviewed by a compliance professional, specialized in international standards such as GDPR, to ensure that all required controls are being implemented.

Similarly, your company could compose the offer using its own legal department or trusted law firm, acquiring only the necessary training and a data privacy specialist to provide consultancy and guide your internal team in the necessary implementations.

Whatever the ideal combination of resources, you will obtain it through a project orchestrated via CYBER HQ.

Multiple market players combined in customized projects tailored to your company's needs.

The offers from CYBER D.P.O. enable the realization of your privacy and data protection project according to the turnkey concept, widely used in the real estate market and industry. Your company receives the expected results through the integration of different offers, but under the management responsibility of CYBER HQ, which will ensure quality, execution, and the best cost-effectiveness for the project.











Patrícia Peck , PhD

Founder and CEO at Peck Advogados

Cesar Taurion

VP Consultoria e Inovação na CiaTécnica

Eduardo Magrani , PhD

Lawyer and President do INPD

Fabricio da Mota Alves

Lawyer and Partner na Serur Advogados

D avis Alves, PhD

President of ANPPD

V aléria Reani

Specialist Attorney in Digital Law, Compliance, and Data Protection

Sérgio Polhmann

Director de SergInfo - LGPD Ninja

M arcelo Crespo, PhD

Privacy Compliance Jedi

Umberto Correia

Vice-President of ANPPD

Leandro Cruz

Vice-President of INPD

Leandro Bissoli

Partner at Peck Advogados

Marcelo Menezes

Data Protection Specialist

Marcílio Braz

Founder of Privacy Academy

Ewelyn Schots

CEO at Schots Advocacia

G uilherme Guimaraes

Lawyer specialized in Digital Law

Bruno Josino

Chief Legal Officer at Blackbelt IT Solutions

Amanda Andrade

Founder of Legal Academy

Fernando Peres

Lawyer - Digital Law and Cibercrimes

Oerton Fernandes


Claudio Joel Lóssio

CEO/DPO at SNR Sistemas


Digital Law


Information Technology




Information Security


Training and Certification


Institutional Support

Do you work with data protection?

Are you a professional in the field or do you own a company operating in one of the areas related to data protection?

Fill out the form now by clicking the button below.

After an evaluation process, you or your company may become part of our resource network and be allocated to projects in the area.



CYBER D.P.O. (Data Protection Offers) are offers related to privacy and data protection orchestrated by CYBER HQ.

We use our unique operational model in the market to compose offers that are 100% customized for your company, analyzing case by case issues such as: business model, market sector, attack surface, process architecture, installed capacity, geographic location, investment capacity, information security maturity, among others.

After the initial analyses, the most suitable professionals and companies will be allocated for the execution of your privacy and data protection project, customized to meet the specific needs of your company. By coordinating the actions of the necessary range of resources, we offer your company the possibility of obtaining the best professionals from each competence in a completely dynamic way.

A project in the area of privacy and data protection requires expertise from various fields of knowledge and involves a series of fundamental steps, such as:


To know where to go, it's necessary to first know where you are. Therefore, it's necessary to evaluate the current state of controls and processes in your organization, in relation to data protection requirements.


All this work needs to be carried out in an integrated manner with professionals who understand the details of the current legislation and its interconnections with international regulatory standards.


Once the starting point is identified, it's necessary to establish a schedule with the necessary actions in the various involved areas, appointing actors, and establishing controls to achieve the established objectives.


One of the main pillars supporting data privacy, your company needs capable professionals to implement the technologies that will support legal requirements.


The main pillar supporting data privacy translates into the need for resources and professionals capable of implementing access controls, encryption, and protection measures to ensure data confidentiality.


To achieve solid levels of data protection, it will be necessary to train and raise awareness among employees about the importance and intricacies of the subject.


Being prepared isn't sufficient; demonstrating it to clients and partners is often necessary. Obtaining certification for legal compliance can set your company apart from competitors.


Due to costs and a shortage of data protection professionals, it's often not feasible for companies to have dedicated personnel. Outsourcing to external resources is a cost-effective alternative.


You already have enough problems in areas of your business that require your exclusive attention. Utilize our expertise in managing multidisciplinary projects to create a tailored solution for your company.


Our network consists of professionals and companies with diverse competencies, specialists in various subjects, offering a vast array of different tools. Choosing the best resources according to your company's needs is our job.


Our offering includes some of the foremost experts and competent leaders in areas such as Digital Law, Data Privacy, Information Security, Compliance, Governance, and many others related to data protection. They are available to assist your company.


CYBER HQ Network currently boasts over 6,000 resources available across 25 countries. Some of these have been directly involved in the creation of regulations like GDPR in the European Union and LGPD in Brazil. If needed, we can mobilize any of these specialized resources to support your company's specific needs.



Conducting your privacy and data protection project through CYBER HQ comes with numerous benefits and advantages, such as:


We will create a fully customized project tailored to the needs and realities of your company, assembling a team composed of professionals and companies capable of meeting your needs and respecting all the peculiarities of your business.


CYBER HQ does not directly provide any of the services required by your company to implement processes related to data protection. Our business model operates at a market abstraction layer, allowing us to leverage our expertise in managing multidisciplinary projects to ensure that your company receives the best possible service, with the best cost-effectiveness and quality exceeding your expectations..


Our market know-how, operational model, and extensive network of resources enable us to execute projects at better financial costs than your company could achieve by separately hiring the necessary resources directly.


CYB3R HQ's proposal is to free the client to focus on their business and rely on our experience in managing multidisciplinary projects to assist them in managing projects of such relevance and complexity for their company.



CYBER HQ does not sell any type of tool or solution. However, along our journey, we have provided resources for companies to implement and manage privacy and data protection processes. After hundreds of projects, a collaborative platform has emerged, improving every day.



Our platform was built on a "no-code" platform that allows each person to develop and customize their own tool, and personalize each screen, each table according to their needs, for various functions. Therefore, every project carried out through CYBER HQ benefits from the daily use of hundreds of other professionals with the same needs, each adapting their version with new details and functions that, when identified, are passed on and shared with all platform users.


Data mapping, incident management, risk analysis, third-party management, maturity analysis, data subject request management, training, document management, among many other functions, all centralized in a single point, making life easier for everyone involved in the process.


Through the CYBER HQ SGPD Platform, if you wish, you can purchase professional market solutions, more complete and robust, with discounts of up to 40%. There's no magic; since we don't directly sell any solution to maintain our impartiality, we simply convert resale commissions into discounts for your company.